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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > 支招雅思小作文 I 静态多柱图 四种奶制品产量对比


支招雅思小作文 I 静态多柱图 四种奶制品产量对比

发布时间:2024-08-16 关键词:支招小作文

摘要:The charts below give information about the world's top three producers of four different dairy products in 2012.

   The charts below give information about the world's top three producers of four different dairy products in 2012.




  - Body 1: milk,cheese

  - Body 2:butter,milk powder


  The bar chart compares the dairy production among the world’s top three producers for the year 2012.


  It is clear that in all the three regions, more milk was produced than other types of products. European Union was the primary producer of milk and cheese, while India and China took precedence in butter and milk powder production respectively.


  - 三个地区milk产量都

  - Milk和Cheese→European Union,butter→India,milk powder→China

  【Body 1】

  In terms of milk output, EU took the lead with a substantial production of 142,970 metric tons, significantly surpassing the production in India by roughly 16,000 metric tons and that in US by around 50,000 metric tonnes. Likewise, EU still maintained its leading position in cheese production(7,120 metric tons), while Brazil only produced 700 metric tons of cheese .


  - Milk:EU产量,显著超过India和US产量

  - Cheese: EU产量(7,120 metric tons), 但Brazil产量只有700metric tons

  【Body 2】

  However, with an output of 4,500 metric tons, India dominated butter production, a figure more than twice of the combined production in EU and US. A different pattern could be found in the production of milk powder. China ranked the top in this item(1,200 metric tons), closely followed by the figure in New Zealand(1,110 metric tons). The third largest producer was EU, with 770 metric tons of milk powder produced in this area.


  - Butter:India ,是EU和USA总和的两倍多

  - Milk powder:China排,New Zealand第二,EU第三



