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雅思小作文 I 动态表 两个国家人口变化

发布时间:2024-10-11 关键词:雅思小作文

摘要:The table below shows the populations in Australia and Malaysia from 1980 to 2002.

     The table below shows the populations in Australia and Malaysia from 1980 to 2002.



  Body 1:total population,rate of birth

  Body 2:male population,female population

  Body 3:population aged 65+,average annual population growth


  The table compares Australia and Malaysia in terms of changes in their population between 1980 and 2002.


  Overall, the population size in both countries increased considerably, but their birth rate both experienced a slight decrease. Also, compared with Malaysia, Australia had a larger percentage of senior citizens in both years.


  - 两个国家的total population都上升,但rate of birth都轻微下降

  - 两年中Australia的老年人口比例都>Malaysia

  Body paragraph 1

  Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that both countries witnessed a significant growth in their population. This is especially true for Malaysia, since its population size nearly doubled to 24.3 million in 2002. However, the birth rate in both Australia and Malaysia experienced a downward trend, with the former falling marginally by 0.2 million and the latter declining more noticeably by 1 million in the given period.


  - total population:两个国家数据都上升;其中Malaysia数据几乎上升两倍

  - Rate of birth:Australia小幅度下降,Malaysia大幅度下降

  Body paragraph 2

  In terms of male and female population, the figures in Australia remained stable at 49.9 million and 50.1 million respectively. By contrast, there was a modest climb in male population of Malaysia from 50.3 to 50.6 million, in contrast to a slight decrease for the female population in this country by 0.3 million.


  - Australia:男女比例都持平

  - Malaysia:male population轻微上升,但female population轻微下降

  Body paragraph 3

  It is also clear that although the proportion of elders in both countries saw a rise, the figure in Australia was higher than that in Malaysia in both 1980 and 2000. However, the reverse was true for average annual population growth — the population growth rate in Malaysia outnumbered that in Australia in both years. The former nearly remained unchanged at 1.2%, while the latter underwent an insignificant drop to 2.1%.


  - population aged 65+:两年内都是Australia>Malaysia,前者数据大幅度上升

  - average annual population growth:两年内都是Australia



