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发布时间:2024-12-16 关键词:雅思小作文
摘要:The table below shows employment patterns for males and females in New Zealand in 1993 and 2003.
The table below shows employment patterns for males and females in New Zealand in 1993 and 2003.
Body 1:Men
Body 2:Women
The table illustrates changes in the percentage of males and females working in six different industries between 1993 and 2003.
In both years, males were primarily employed in IT, farming, and construction, while the top three fields favored by females were services, commerce, and manufacturing. Also, female workers outnumbered their male counterparts in commerce and services, whereas the remaining four sectors saw higher male participation.
- 两年内,男性工作比例的是IT、farming 和building,女性主要在services、commerce 和manufacturing工作
- 两年内,Commerce和Services工作的女性基本都大于男性,剩下行业规律相反
Body paragraph 1
Clearly, four industries saw a decline in the proportion of male employees. Initially, IT topped the list (80%), followed by the figures in farming (75%) and building (68%). Subsequently, there was a noticeable drop of roughly 10% in these three figures. The percentage of men working in manufacturing also decreased, but only marginally, reaching 52% in 2003. In contrast, the proportion of male workers in commerce and services increased. This was particularly true for services, which, despite being the least favorite sector in 1993, saw its figure more than double to 40% by the end of the period.
- 有四个行业的男职工比例下降
- 1993年IT数据(80%),farming排第二(75%),building排第三(68%);2003年这三个数据都显著下降了大约10%
- manufacturing数据也下降,但幅度较小,轻微下降到2003年的52%
- commerce、services数据上升
- services数据在1993年最小→2003年上涨2倍多达到40%
Body paragraph 2
However, a different trend emerged in women’s employment. Specifically, services and commerce were the most attractive sectors in both years, but their female participation experienced a decrease. Especially, services witnessed a dramatic drop from 85% in 1993 to 60% in 2003. Among the other four industries, the most significant increases occurred in IT and farming, where female participation rose by 10% during the period. Manufacturing was the only filed where the proportion of women remained relatively unchanged, staying stable at around 46%.
- services、commerce两年数据都,但都呈现下降趋势;services下降急剧,从1993的85%急剧下降到2003年的60%
- 其余四个行业数据呈现上升趋势
- IT、farming上升最为显著(上升了10%)
- 只有manufacturing数据几乎变,平稳在大约46%