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发布时间:2012-10-19 关键词:马琳琳:雅思口语中跟奥运相关的那
今年伦敦作为host city(主办城市)拉开了奥运会的序幕,各位烤鸭无论您是体育enthusiast,fan(迷,爱好者)还是amateur(业余运动员,爱好者)这种集合了各个professionals(职业运动员)的public event(公众活动)咱都不应该错过不是?更何况雅思是一个相当与时俱进的考试,英国人本土的大事情ESOL Examination很有可能借题发挥。想当年金融危机那会儿Part2就考过a economic risk you heard of/you met,欧洲杯和世界杯那会儿a sport competition就是高频考题,北京奥运会和世博会那会儿a public event频频出现。为了帮助广大烤鸭在Olympic Games期间遇见奥运比赛、奥运精神、奥运效应神马的题目不会犯怵,我们今天像Part3常考的题目一样辩证地聊一聊奥运给我们带来的优缺点。
First of all,基于考官在整个考试过程中都特别喜欢问为什么,所以咱们先说说为什么要举办奥运,奥运举办的根本原因和宗旨是什么?
Olympic Spirit倡导Faster,Higher,Stronger,它的mission(意图)on one hand(一方面)鼓励人们Be the best you can be,把奥运变成国际化的法国人Pierre De Coubertin认为'The important thing in life is not to triumph, but to compete,'(生命的重要性并不是最后的成功,而是中间竞赛的过程) 于是奥运会想encouraged everyone to compete against themselves(鼓励每个人去战胜自己),这同时可以作为童鞋们参加各种运动会运动比赛的目的。on the other hand(另一方面)倡导Spirit of fair play因为'The practice of sport is a human right'(体育运动是每个人类的权利)。'Everyone should be able to play sport 'without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit,which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship,solidarity and fair play.'(每个人在运动中都不应该受到任何形式的歧视,并体现相互理解、友谊、团结和公平竞争的奥林匹克精神)童鞋参加运动比赛有时候不仅仅需要个人的outstanding(出类拔萃),运用还需要team spirit,也就是这里谈到的friendship和solidarity.
The first benefit I should mention is that it can bring economic boom as people from all over the world are coming, which brings more inflow of foreign currencies. Also, Income can be generated from tickets and merchandises(such as souvenirs)
I'd also add that greater impact on tourism/housing/construction/commercialism/transit/sports will be seen. The host city will grab more attention from all over the world, attracting large groups of tourists.
Additionally, It's good for the country's image because it demonstrates its ability to host such a huge event.
Besides, it will create a number of job opportunities for the host city.
Whereas, it brings drawbacks as well.
For example, Infrastructures built can become white elephants. And the same time, the government is in gigantic debt for hosting the Olympic Games.
Also, The host city will get overcrowded. There will be more traffic jams and pollution.
Apart from that, there is a risk that the public is being misled of the opportunities for jobs, as nearly all of the jobs are likely to be short-term. and after the games it could leave the area still with a high level of unemployment.