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当前位置:首页 > 师资博文 > 刘洋:雅思大作文真题解析:2022雅思大作文真题有哪些高频话题?


发布时间:2022-07-30 关键词:雅思大作文真题 2022雅思大作文有哪些高频话题


  2022年1月至今纸质考试大作文有8道考题 ,机考有大致96篇考题。 这两个多月的雅思大作文真题涉及的话题范围有 :社会, 科技媒体 , 教育 ,文化 , 环境, 犯罪和全球化,小编将根据这些雅思大作文真题解析, 总结一下“全面”,探求一下2022雅思大作文有哪些高频话题以及答题思路。感兴趣就一起往下看看吧!


  考生们需要通过学习这些雅思大作文真题话题相关的词汇和搭配以便在60分钟的考试里体现出自己写作能力的上限。 (词伙约1200组, 大致的学习时间建议2-3个月)

  本文旨在摘取雅思大作文真题高频话题中的 “高频词”将出题维度做一个细分,帮助大家从大作文 “议论-essay ”的角度切入(涉及剑桥例文,2022机经题库,新概念4)。



  类型l- 明显绝对词 e.g. only, all, most, best, waste, no longer, must

  20220108 纸质: (社会话题)

  Some people agree that the best way to become successful in life is to get the university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  20220219 机考: (社会话题)

  Some people say that the age group of a person is the most important factor affecting his or her shopping habits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  建议招数:这类明显绝对词的答题角度相对一致 我们用“ 先扬后抑"的方式:首先同意这是一个way or factor,接着用equal打best or most irnpmtant。


  When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  解题:找工作的时候,薪资是不是最重要的考虑因素:我们去找到其他更重要的因素, 比如就业环境,那么用词角度就是围绕着环境VS薪资,维度偏窄。

  换个角度, 不去找更重要的而是落在equal同等重要这个角度, 这样:钱多活儿少离家近,多个层面呈现自己的60分钟作品。

  Many people choose their jobs based on the size of the salary offered. Personally, I disagree with the idea that money is the key consideration when deciding on a career, because I believe that other factors are equally important.

  20220108 纸质套用:

  I disagree with the idea that is the key way to become a successful person over the lifetime is to get the university degree, because I believe that other factors are equally important.(20220219机考同理)

  类型2- 泛指绝对词

  e.g.Young people, seniors, teenagers, vehicles, fuel, workers, foreign countries,environmental problems

  举例:20220122 (社会话题)

  Some people say that young people cannot enjoy competitive sports because they are too afraid of losing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  我们先来看第一个题目里面的绝对词young people can not,这个题目对整体年轻人做了绝对否定 。


  Disagree我们把 young people 分为两组人:参加比赛的和观看比赛的,这样对一类人群绝对的否定就打开了。



  On the village green, where people pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise.

  (在乡间的草坪上,人们组成两队并不涉及任何地方主义,就有可能是单纯为了娱乐和锻炼进行比赛 。 )


  The significant thing is not the behavior of the players, but the attitude of the spectators who work themselves into furies over these contests, and seriously believe that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.

  (要紧的不是运动员的行为, 而是观众的态度, 面对这些比赛, 观众如痴如狂的认为跑跑, 跳跳, 踢踢球是对一个名族品德的检验。 )

  再来个例子:20220228 ( 环境话题)

  One of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel used by cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

  招数套用: 首先best用equal来打,增加汽油的价格是一种方法, 比如大家会选择(public transport)和新能源 (electronic cars) equal 有用的方法还有:比如限号(car license)

  回到20220228的题目, 剑桥8的论点是否可以套用到这里的?




  解题:显然如果把所有fuel 的价格都增加,包括新能源的,把所有交通工具的价格都增加包括公交的。

  - 那么这样一刀切的结果应该是短期有效果,长期的话应该就是经济衰退了( economic recession)

  这道题绝对到了主角儿词的泛指, 而并非best most all 这类。 所以对于题目词汇的反复审读, 是完成essay题型的关键

TOP2平衡 (平衡的维度较多 ,我们在这里呈现其中一种)

  20220226 纸考:

  Maintaining public libraries is a waste of time and is not necessary. since computer technology is now replacing their function. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  建议招数:分析 ublic libraries 和computer tec hnolo 这两个主角词的矛盾关系:非互斥:A+B? 即我们生活中既需要实体图书馆也需要网络


  It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  解题:非互斥:A+B 即先天的能力和后天的培养需要结合在一起


  But as with all questions of nature versus nurture, they are not mutually exclusive. Good musicians or artists and exceptional sports stars have probably succeeded because of both good training and natural talent.


  But as with all questions of public libraries versus online technology, they are not mutually exclusive.

TOP3 最后:关于政府“要做,怎么做,可以做” 类型 的考题较为高频-11道



  1, Every government's basic obligation: ensure national security, stabilize society, enhance social welfare system, perfect the public facilities.


  2, Be able to pool and dominate various resources


  3, Give top priority to investments on education6technology and basic human needs, then invest in entertainment facilities to enrich one's cultural life.

  (政府要优先重视教育、科技和基本人类需求的投资后, 投资文化娱乐设施)

  小结: 写作分数的提高最终需要回到扣题,逻辑, 语法和词汇4个评分标准里面。 本节重点落在解题逻辑和用词这个层面, 希望对考生们有帮助!
