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发布时间:2020-05-21 关键词:
SAT写作真题范文 | “招招得分” 第【6】篇!
我们以Read、 Kids、 Read一文(可见于新航道《SAT写作官方题库与范文》)为例,学一个很简单却很有用也用的分析办法——“总分结构的分析方法”。
Paragraphs 8 to 12 is about how reading does things to the brain. ← (把几个讲同一件事情的段落汇集成一个“大的部分”,然后陈述这个大的部分的主题)即“总”,然后“分”(找到了材料文在这几个段落里的最主要的论证手段:引用) → Using quotations is the chief strategy in this part since each paragraph is based on a quotation. 在“分”的过程中,以材料文的段落的顺序为我们的分析的顺序(黄色高亮的词引出的内容,就是材料文的顺序,也正是我们的分析顺序) → After pointing out that reading and intelligence are in a symbiotic relationship, the author argues in Paragraph 9, that not only does reading promote intelli gence it also enhances individuals’sociability, empathy and people skills. Quoting the Emory’s neuroscientist further strengthens the author’s point that reading benefits the brain and the addition of this piece of scientific evidence raises the argument to a higher and more credible level. The author then immediately uses the personal cases of him and his friends to illustrate this scientific finding and the personal cases are more persuasive as average readers are more likely to relate to the down-to-earth than to agree with science. In Paragraph 12, there is an analogy between playing chess and reading to point out that reading hones the ability to focus and concentrate because of the quiet and pace of it.
Anyway 今天就是这么两个简单的知识点。