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发布时间:2022-02-07 关键词:托福年度考情分析及备考建议
在历年的托福考试中,词汇题一直是一个必考题,虽然自从19年改革以后考察比例有所下降,但是依旧每篇必考1-2题。很多的同学在复习时候会忽略单词的重要性,在这个秒 杀题上面失分。在此我们总结一下2021年度的托福阅读词汇题,希望对同学们的阅读备考有所帮助。
● 题型分布
首先,从综合写作题型上看,方案假说类(包括理论假说&解决方案) 出现的频率是最 高的,共计34次,其次是是非判断类 (24次)及利弊分析类(15次)。
● 话题分布
由于场次的增加,今年考试涉及到的综合写作话题类型比往年较多,涉猎到了10个话题。其中,生物类考题依然是频率最 高的,占比41%。比起去年的36%,频率有所提升,因此,在备考中,各位考生还是需要特别重视生物类综合写作文章的练习。其余的9类话题,出现的频率较为接近,其中环境类、历史类、经济类与考古类考题的频率略高于政府类、教育类、天文类、艺术类与科技类考题。
● 新旧题
● 题型分布
从考题类型来看,AB类考题(包括比较类及二选一)依旧是考试频率最 高的题型,占比达到41%,与去年的36%相比,有所上升。去年占比只有14%的三选一考题今年出现的频率异常高,达到了25%,而且包含了好几个新题,在之后的备考中需要特别注意。建议类考题的频率比去年有所下降,今年只考了11次,另外现象证明类与绝 对词考题相对频率较低,分别出现了7次。
● 话题分布
● 新旧题
首先,和往年一样,旧题还是占大比例的。在73场考试中,有59场都为旧题,占比80%。其中还有好几个题目属于高频考题,已经考过多次。而且,可能由于今年的考试场次比较多,重复本年度考题的情况竟然出现了13次,这在之前的考试中是很少发生的。其中,Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (5-10 years old)? 1. being helpful;2. being honest;3. being well organized. 此题在本年重复出现了三次。
1. 2021.1.20 = 2021.11.17
The consumption of foods and drinks high in salt and sugar cause harm to people's future health. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should tax on these foods to reduce their sales.
2. 2021.1.30
As a leader, which of the following do you think is the most important quality when choosing your teammates:
A. honesty
B. the ability to get along well with others
C. the ability to communicate clearly
3. 2021.1.31
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are obsessed with buying or acquiring material things (expensive clothes, cars) because people judge others by what they possess.
4. 2021.2.28=2021.11.28
Nowadays many job interviewers and employers are looking for various additional sources of information to better understand a job applicant. Which is the best way for the employers to better know the situation of a job applicant?
A. contacting previous employers the job applicant worked for and asking for further information.
B. checking the job applicant’s profile on social platform (such as social networking websites and social media)
C. letting the job applicant work for the company for a short period of time(1-month) and then considering whether to use the applicant permanently or not.
5. 2021.3.14
Nowadays, it is said that government should give financial support to people. However, people often argue about which group the government should give support. Which of the following groups do you think is the most important for the government to support?
A. older people who no longer work (e.g. those who are more than 70 years old)
B. young families with small children
C. workers who have recently lost their jobs
6. 2021.6.9
E-mail has become the most used method of communication in workplaces. Employees use it to communicate with one another and their superiors, or the people who manage their work. But there are employees who are suggesting that workers should spend more time talking to one another in person or on the telephone instead. Which view do you agree with? Why?
7. 2021.7.10(上午场)
Imagine that you have been given the opportunity to advise the government of a city or region (area) that you are familiar with to spend more money on ONE thing to benefit the city or region. Which ONE of these do you believe would be the most beneficial for the city or region? Why?
A. providing more affordable housing
B. decreasing (reducing) air and water pollution
C. attracting new business to the city or region
8. 2021.7.10(下午场)= 2021.10.24
If your friends would like to achieve a more positive lifestyle, which of the following suggestion would be the best?
A. be more disciplined and have a stronger will
B. work with people who share the same goals
C. consult a professional expert
9. 2021.9.29
Some people say a job position should be shared by two people so that one of them would have opportunities to do other things such as taking care of children. Do you think job sharing is positive or negative thing for workers?
10. 2021.10.9
Imagine you are working on a group project with two coworkers and the deadline (the time that the project should be submitted) is approaching. The project looks good but could be improved if you all work on it more; however, this would mean that you miss the deadline. One of your coworkers suggests submitting the project in its current condition to meet the deadline, while your other coworker thinks it is better to wait and submit the project after the deadline so that it is perfect. Which approach is better in your opinion: meeting deadlines even if a project is not yet perfect or submitting a project after a deadline so that it is perfect? Why?
11. 2021.12.11(下午场)
To ensure a successful career development, some people would choose to develop skills that can be used to complete tasks, while others would like to improve skills that can help them be more creative and capable of self-expression. What type of skills do you think is more important? Why?
1. 重视综合写作。现在很多同学在准备托福写作考试的时候,往往会忽略综合写作,而把大量的精力都放在独立写作上。但是,从历年的考试情况来看,综合写作的考试难度波动更小,其实更有利于得分。同时,综合写作本身就与阅读和听力能力息息相关,随着阅读和听力能力的提升,综合写作也会得到提升,所以提分的难度也更小。因此,如果想要在托福写作考试中取得一个好成绩,我们可以首先保证综合写作的分数。大家可以利用新航道杭州学校托福写作教研组最 新推出的《综合写作练习手册》,根据上面的步骤,一步一步、循序渐进地的完成相关综合写作的练习。先保证阅读和听力信息的准确性和完整性,然后理清楚信息之间的逻辑关系,最后按照课堂上学习过的写作模板完成写作。(注意,需要准备多套模板,在考试中,不要重复使用哦)
2. 多多刷题,多看范文,累积各话题语料。目前,不管是综合写作还是独立写作,旧题的重复率都非常的高,所以我们还是需要依赖曾经考过的旧题,多多刷题,多多练习。也要及时关注考情,因为同一年考过的题目依然可能会再次出现。同时,平时拿到题目容易没有思路的同学,应该多阅读一些范文,参考一下别人的思路,不要一直自己“干想”,也可以和自己的小伙伴讨论讨论,特别是对于自己不够熟悉的话题,累积语料非常重要。
3. 习惯读长题,提升题干分析能力。从近两年的考试情况来看,独立写作的长题出现频率已经越来越高了,今年有几个题目的词数都达到了110+词,这可能会给一些同学带来困扰。老师在这里建议大家,面对长题,首先一定要认真耐心的多读几遍题目,另外要学会记笔记。在读题的时候,可以把一些题目中的关键词记在自己的草稿纸上,这样有利于大家理清楚题目的对象和重点,就不容易离题了。