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发布时间:2023-10-12 关键词:托福考情




  1、动物运动的阻力,不同介质中消耗的能量不同,跑的消耗大于飞和游泳2、火山喷发剧烈程度与岩浆组成的关系3、动物moving colonies 的原因,比如天敌入侵,洪水火灾等。它们也发展了对应策略减少移动带来的损害,ant还是honeybee来着migrate to new colony。4、English colonized 北美东北部然后adapt agriculture5、古代人造砖


  Conversation 1、学生找financial aid的人寻找相关提供资助的信息,想去教授研究的leatherback turtle 项目。2、学生来找教授但是老师说他不在,然后学生问咋办,老师说我也有这样的课让学生来选。

  Lecture1、生物多样性从赤道向两极递减,探索一些生物为了抵御寒冷的应对策略,比如日本的猴子回去泡温泉,北美的牛回去能源发电站。还有一些生物可以活在雪下面,因为雪有保温隔热的作用。2、新旧computing 的区别,新的要考虑userability; user-friendliness。3、心理学,infants还是fetus胚胎的时候在子宫里就开始学习了,有语音辨别能力。在出生刚开始哭的时候就根据自己的家庭语言环境决定了小孩哭的音调



  Task 1:重复2022.2.10家考Some people prefer to have friends who share the same opinions or beliefs about the world as they do. Other people prefer to have friends who have opinions or beliefs about the world that are different from their own. which one do you prefer and why?

  Task2Required Practice lnterviewsNext year, the universitys career-services center will begin to offer practice job interviews forstudents, in which students will practice answering the typical questions asked by employers duringob interviews. The goal is to help students improve their chances of getting a job. These practiceinterviews will be conducted by student volunteers, who will act as potential employers askingquestions during a real job interview. The practice-interview session will be required for all studentsin their final semester, when most students start looking for jobs.听力:女学生不同意。一是学生不会认真对待因为都是同学做面试;二是时间安排不好,那个时间段大家都忙着final project, part time job 等。

  Task 3:心理学:change blindness,人们会忽略图片上的细节听力讲了实验,把桌子上的刀换成叉,实验中的一组人看不出来

  Task 4:野火的影响two ways wildfire affect soil,destroy soils/construction and change nutrients in the soilwildfire。通过改变土壤结构,和破坏植物生长的营养物比如氮‍,nitrogen没了植物会长得small。



  太空造太阳能板比地球好Space-based solar panels are better than Earth-based solar panels。


  听力:1、不会接收到更多的能量,并且太阳能板使用的末期会产生故障,需要送宇航员上去修,这个花费太大了。 2、太空中还有一些dust 和 rocks ,太小了很难被科学家追踪。他们速度很快温度也高,很容易对破坏太阳能板的功能。 3、太阳能板需要通过powerful beams来把能量传递到地球,这种beams会破坏臭氧层,无法阻挡UV radiation和violent,地面上的动物和人都会受到伤害,破坏环境。

  学术讨论 Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.In your response, you should do the following.Express and support your opinion.Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

  Doctor Achebe: On the day of outdoor classes, students will be transported to local parks. There, teachers will help students explore nature and learn about the environment (for example, plants and animals), environmental problems (such as pollution), and ways of addressing these problems. Do you think that outdoor classes once a month will be a worthwhile use of students' instructional time and school resources?Andrew: 支持,需要让大家感受环境问题 , 让学生有学习的Motivation. Claire: 不支持,学生们很累没时间,不应该让他们去,给老师负担,花费学校资源
