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当前位置:首页 > 托福频道 > 托福口语 > 9月21日|托福口语&写作考情速递与解析(答案&范文)


发布时间:2024-09-27 关键词:托福口语





  In today's world, we have various ways to stay informed about current events. Traditional sources like television and newspapers have long been trusted by many, providing detailed and well-researched news. However, with the rise of social media, an increasing number of people are turning to these platforms for quick and accessible updates. Which do you think is a better source of news: traditional outlets like television and newspapers, or social media?


  I believe social media is a better source of news because it provides quick updates for example. During breaking news events, social media platforms often deliver information faster than traditional outlets like newspapers or television. This immediate access allows people to stay informed in real-time.


  I think traditional news sources are better because they tend to be more accurate. Television, for instance, not only provides well-researched reports but also offers visuals that help viewers understand the story better. Social media might be faster, but it often lacks the depth and verification traditional sources provide.





  I agree with Claire’s opinion that social media is a better source of information due to its immediacy. Additionally, social media platforms allow for a more comprehensive account of topics by engaging a wider audience in discussions. Unlike traditional media, such as newspapers and television, which often present a singular mainstream narrative, social media enables diverse voices to share their perspectives. This inclusivity helps viewers see the bigger picture. For example, during natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey, individuals from various backgrounds shared their firsthand accounts, rescue efforts, and safety information on platforms like Twitter and Instagram. This grassroots coverage provided a broader view of the situation, which can be crucial for those affected, allowing them to make informed decisions quickly.

  While traditional sources like television and newspapers provide well-researched reports and visuals that aid understanding, they can be slower to respond to breaking news. Social media fills this gap, offering real-time updates that keep people informed as events unfold. Overall, the immediacy and inclusivity of social media make it a valuable source of news in today's fast-paced world. (178 words)


  Immediacy - 及时性

  Comprehensive - 全面的

  Engaging - 吸引人的;参与的

  Narrative - 叙述;故事

  Inclusivity - 包容性

  Perspectives - 视角;观点

  Grassroots - 基层的;草根的

  Coverage - 报道;覆盖

  Crucial - 关键的;重要的

  Informed - 了解情况的;有见识的

  Visuals - 视觉材料;图像

  Breaking news - 突发新闻

  Real-time - 实时的

  Fast-paced - 快节奏的


  2024.9.21 上午场 Speaking Task 1

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents cannot be friends with their children, Explain your point with details and examples.





  Sample answer

  I agree with the statement that parents cannot be friends with their children.

  Parents are responsible for guiding and disciplining their children, a role that friends do not typically play. If parents try to be too much like friends, it may blur the lines of authority, making it harder to set rules and enforce boundaries. For example, if my mom treats me like a friend, I probably won’t listen to her when it comes to important decisions like curfews or homework responsibilities.

  Parents and children grow up in different social and cultural contexts, leading to distinct worldviews. For instance, older generations may value tradition, hard work, and long-term stability, while younger generations, influenced by technology and modern trends, may prioritize flexibility, personal freedom, and quick results. This disconnect can make it difficult for parents to fully relate to their children on a peer level, as true friendships are often built on shared perspectives and values.

  2024.9.21 下午场 Speaking Task 1

  Some people believe old people should not take risk and participate in adventurous/challenging events as young people do. Do you agree and why?(2023.2.25, 2023.4.15下午, 2023.7.15下午场)



  本题破题的思路建议考虑“不应该像年轻人一样参与冒险类活动”,最好切入的一个点是个人健康层面。在表达解释的过程中,最好加入一些老年人和年轻人的对比,这样更能呼应题目中的“as young people do”。当然,能在口语表达的过程中,对于“adventurous events”做一些举例,提到大家比较熟知的哪些冒险类活动,能够更好地满足评分标准中的“sufficient response”以及“effective use of vocabulary”,也可以降低对题目所给的表达进行单词同义替换的压力。

  Sample answer

  I would say old people shouldn't take risks or join adventurous activities like young people.

  First off, as people get older, their bodies just aren't as strong or quick as when they were younger. Young folks usually have more energy, faster reflexes, and stronger muscles and bones. So, when they go rock climbing or bungee jumping, their bodies can handle it better. On the other hand, older people are more likely to have weaker bones and slower reaction time, which means they’re more prone to injuries if something goes wrong. For example, a young person might bounce back quickly from a fall while skiing, but an older person could end up with a serious fracture.

  Secondly, many older adults have health issues that young people don’t usually have to worry about, like heart problems, arthritis(关节炎), or high blood pressure. These conditions can make adventurous activities risky. Take scuba diving(水肺潜水), for instance. It might be thrilling for a young person, but for an older one with heart issues, it could be dangerous or even life-threatening.



