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当前位置:首页 > 新闻动态 > 2012年3月24日托福考试口语真题回忆及解析


发布时间:2012-07-30 关键词:2012年3月24日托福考试口语真题回忆及解析


    Task 1:Discuss the advantages (or disadvantages) of letting students evaluate their professor at the end of the semester. 
    Task 2:Agree or disagree? gifts that people make by themselves are more meaningful than those bought in store.
    Task 3 :学生写信建议学校支持校园清洁日,下星期六,校园干净漂亮,完了之后学生会有娱乐,学生支持,他也很想去,理由一:学校干净,其他学生以后也会注意不乱丢垃圾,比如在外边吃饭不软丢包装纸,理由二:学生愿意去,因为清洁完校园,她们会有娱乐,吃饭或者听音乐。
    Reading: cleanup day学校要招 volunteers分成各个小组给学校做卫生,这一天结束后有个party,给大家happy.
    Leture: 男生的positive attitude 一:他觉得这样不仅对当天有好处,对将来学校的环境也会有好处,volunteer的学生看到他们这么做也就不会乱丢垃圾了。二: 结束后开个party。可以attract students的注意力,并encourage大家。
    Task 4:  将short memory。两个形式,一个decay。. 短时记忆的问题.有2个例子,,别人告诉你一个电话,你两个小时之后就忘了,证明了短时记忆你没用,你就忘记的很快. 第二个例子,自己的经验,要去买书,记好了书名,过来一个朋友和聊书,之后就只记得和朋友说的书名,把自己要买的书给忘记了.说明了短时记忆会因为其他的信息进入而受到干扰。
    Short-term memory: a temporary storage of information. 两个特征:decay (not being used) 和interference (new information).
    For example, you are out with your classmate and you want to dial someone’s cell phone’s number which you don’t know. So you ask you classmate and call your friend. But after two hours when your friend are not with you, since the number has been used after that, you couldn’t remember and recall the number again because it has fade away. That’s decay.
    The professor uses his own experience to illustrate interference. He went to the bookstore and made a list of the books he wanted, but he forgot to take it with him and left it in his car, but he thought he could remind himself of the books listed. However, when he ran into his friend in the bookstore and talked for a while, all he could remember is the booked his friend mentioned that were quite interesting. The new information interfered with the original one. That’s interference.
    Task 5:  朋友把书借给同学了,但书损坏了。两个方案:一个买新的,但太贵;另一个就是从图书馆借,但是不能拿回家看,不方便。
    In the conversation, the man has a problem. He lent his mathematic book to his friend Ted, but the book got ruined, all soaked out when left outside.
    There are two possible solutions. The first one is to ask Ted to buy a new copy for him. The second one is to use the copy in the library as the professor put the material on reserved for them
    Task 6:动物群居,有2种:一,复杂的社会关系,比如,大象,一个生病或者受伤,其他的帮忙照顾,管水管饭。Elephant,能够找food and water nursing baby.二,简单关系,也是一群一伙的,可以互相帮忙,如鱼fish。一大群,相互不认识,也分不清楚是不是一伙但是可以互相帮忙。它们群居,但是彼此communication 很少,even不能识别朋友。