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发布时间:2016-02-04 关键词:新航道2016年1月雅思听力考试回顾





  1 - 10 填空

  1. Introduce breathing techniques in water

  2. Focus on the safety

  3. Improve the diving

  4. Intermediate level course are for adults

  5. Course starts on: January 13th

  6. Each learner should bring a towel

  7. Aim to improve speed

  8. Bring changes to rent a locker

  9. Required to swim with a hat

  10. Improve confidence

  Section 2版本号场景题型

  V14130Fun主题公园介绍6 单选+ 4配对

  11 - 16 单选

  11. When does the ride open in the park?

  B. 9.30 a.m C. 10.00 a.m

  12. How much does the family-fast-line track ticket cost if book online?

  B. 95

  13. The suggestion of lake in the park?

  B. Go there in summer

  14. What’s so special about a roller coaster bike?

  A. Used special material

  15. What should they bring to eat?

  Take some food and go for picnic

  16. What activity recommend for one day trip?

  See fireworks display in the evening

  17 - 20 配对题

  17. Cowboy show ride - don’t need to stand at a long queue

  18. Diving school ride - for a small child

  19. Roller coaster jumping - the most frightening

  20. Magic show ride - some surprise at the end



  21 - 24 配对题

  A. Jacqueline will do it only

  B. Robby will do it only

  C. Robby and Jacqueline will do it together

  21. Who will do research on the Internet? C

  22. Who will do research in the library? A

  23. Who will check old materials of the city? B

  24. Who will make old people interview? B

  25 - 28 地图题

  25. Cafe - E

  26. Prison - B

  27. Railway station - G

  28. Storage warehouse - D

  29 - 30 多选题

  The two valuable topics they agree with each other:

  A. Leisure activity

  B. Family life

  C. Shopping

  D. Work

  E. Medicine service

  Section 4版本号场景题型

  新题图书馆10 填空

  31 - 40 填空题

  31. practice

  32. pleasure

  33. definition

  34. skills

  35. impact

  36. children

  37. priority

  38. membership

  39. feedback

  40. planning



  V130706Job Enquiry10填空

  1 - 10 填空

  1. Address: Station Road

  2. Working time: Sunday

  3 & 4. Responsibilities: lifting heavy items and watering plants

  5 & 6. Skills required: communication skill, basic skills in math

  7. Interview time: 5 pm

  8. Telephone number: 021 303 8879

  9. Contact person: Rapana

  10. Don’t forget to bring: passport

  Section 2版本号场景题型

  V40117Host Family5 配对+ 5 地图

  11 - 15 配对

  A. Flat

  B. House

  C. Hostel

  11. Garden - B(flat has no space, so better for the flat)

  12. Garage - B(do you have garage? it is near the house, has more room for parking)

  13. Alarming - A(the flat needs to install it)

  14. New furniture - A (replace)

  16 - 20 地图

  16. H. House

  17. D. Hostel

  18. A.Flat

  19. C. Post office

  20. G. Bus stop


  V09139目击者调查 6 单选 +4配对

  21 - 26 单选题

  21. How to identify eyewitness reliability?

  A. Speech by respected people

  B. Speak with confidence

  C. Sophisticated speech

  22. What are the drawbacks of the past articles of eyewitness?

  A. No clear conclusion

  B. Only few candidates take part in

  C. The data is old

  23. What are the factors that influence eyewitness reliability?

  A. Light

  B. Duration of time

  C. Distance

  24. Problems of photography reliability

  A. Cannot compare the difference between truth and photo

  B. Briefed the procedure

  C. Influence by figure of authority

  25. What is “naive speaker”?

  A. People with no police investigation experience

  B. People who are not aware of witnessing a crime

  C. People who are not in the scene of crime

  26. Why do some people feel reluctant to change their mind?

  A. Afraid of being treated foolish

  B. Afraid of law

  C. Care more about the case

  27 - 30 matching: problems of eyewitness

  A. Unfamiliar with the environment

  B. Influenced by the interviewer

  C. Don’t know what truth and lies are

  D. Don’t want to say that don’t know

  E. Confused by terminology

  F. Distrust the interviewer

  27. Papport: A

  28. Open-ended question: E

  29. Closed question: C

  30. Closure F

  Section 4版本号场景题型

  旧题塑料的历史10 填空

  31 - 40 填空题

  The application of the plastic

  31. Cotton and acid

  32. Plastic is commonly found on: products such as detergent bottles, and milk jugs

  33. First is used to produce artificial silk

  34. Cellulose is not like real plastic because it well gets hard when melting

  The start of the plastic

  35. First plastic is made in laboratory

  36. Occupant: a chemist, named Alexander Parkes developed the first plastic

  37. Recycled pens

  The disadvantage when treating plastic

  38. Release acidic gases

  39. It decomposes by light

  40. Natural rubber wood no longer had a stranglehold on rubber supplies