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8月12日雅思大作文示范写作 | 青少年犯罪是否该与成年人一样处罚

发布时间:2023-08-15 关键词:雅思大作文示范写作



  Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2023/08/12)



  Juvenile delinquency has gradually become a conundrum that obsesses many countries. In order to make the young aware of repercussions incurred by crimes, some people propose that it behooves both teenagers and adults to receive the same punishments after perpetrating crimes. Despite its justification, my stance is that the penalties for teenagers should be tailored in accordance with actual situations.



  单边观点类大作文,关于犯罪处罚的问题,注意讨论主体限定在young people以及commit serious crimes;论证过程需要注意青少年的特征性;


  conundrum n.令人迷惑的难题;

  repercussion n.反响,影响;

  tailored adj.特制的,专门的;

  Body 1

  Indeed, stringent laws serve as a deterrent, barring teenagers from committing crimes again. The same severe adult punishments inflicted on the premeditated underage criminals will not only embody the justice of law, but also render juvenile ones to recoil from stern punitive measures, thus smoothing the way for social stability.The mild legal conviction for juvenile offenders, on the contrary, predisposes adolescents to flout laws. The ramification is that these anti-social teenagers, under the shelter of juvenile laws, will unscrupulously violate laws to satiate their abnormal psychological sensation such as campus bullying . Hence, light penalty for felony is ludicrous.



  (1) 法律应当公平;

  (2) 产生一定的震慑作用;


  stringent adj.严格的;

  premeditated adj.预谋的;经预先计划的;

  embody v.具体表现,体现;

  render v.使成为,使处于某种状态;

  recoil vi.畏缩;弹回;

  stern adj.严厉的,认真的;

  predispose v.使倾向于,使受……的影响;

  flout v.藐视,无视(规则、法律等);

  ramification n.衍生物;(衍生的)结果、影响

  unscrupulously adv.无道德原则地;

  satiate vt.充分满足;

  felony n.重罪;

  Body 2

  Nevertheless, the judicial system for young people should be more flexible because the young still in the formative years cannot differentiate right from wrong, and they are occasionally derailed by manifold culprits. Specifically, teenagers' illegal behavior of harming others is highly likely swayed by ferocious plots of TV dramas concerning gangs. The adult criminals’ motives, conversely, are very explicit, such as purposefully bilking netizens out of money in online fraud schemes. In this sense, a stricter penalty for those unintentional lawbreakers is far from sensible. Instead, condign punishments, be they serving the community or sweeping streets, are highly advisable, through which the young will be instilled into a keen sense of abiding by laws and never go astray out of curiosity.



  (1) 青少年不成熟,不能很好地判断对错;

  (2) 青少年犯罪主要会受到外在社会环境的影响;应该关注如何帮助他们走上正确的道路;


  derail vt.使…越轨;

  manifold adj.繁多的,多种多样的;

  culprit n.问题的起因;

  sway v.摇摆;影响(某人);

  ferocious adj.凶猛的,残暴的;

  bilk vt.欺骗,诈骗;

  unintentional adj.非故意的;无意识的;

  condign adj.相当的;应得的(尤指惩罚);

  go astray v. 误入歧途;

  Ending Paragraph

  To recapitulate,taking original motives into account is a prerequisite for the justice of laws. There is no one-fits-all remedial solution for such a convoluted and prickly social woe. It is justified that custom-tailored penalty based on motives may be the optimal tactic for juvenile delinquency.



  recapitulate vi.概括;重述要点;

  convoluted adj.复杂的;费解的;

  prickly adj.多刺的;棘手的;

  woe n.麻烦,问题;
