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当前位置:首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > 支招雅思小作文|静态组合图 四个地区protein和calory摄入量对比


支招雅思小作文|静态组合图 四个地区protein和calory摄入量对比

发布时间:2024-08-23 关键词:雅思小作文

摘要:The charts below show the information relating to the protein intakes and calory intakes in four different regions in 2004.

  The charts below show the information relating to the protein intakes and calory intakes in four different regions in 2004.







  The bar charts compare the intakes of protein and calory(in grams per person per week) in India, South Africa, Latin America and North America for the year 2004.


  Overall, people from North America absorbed more protein and calory than people from other areas did, and only North Americans consumed excessive amount of both substances.


  - North America两种摄入都,但India都

  - 只有North America数值超过ideal level

  【Body 1】

  Looking at the information about protein intake, we can see that the average protein intake of North Americans was 98 grams, only one-third of which derived from animals. By contrast, India had the lowest consumption of protein(51 grams); this was also the only region where the share of animal protein was over 50%, with roughly 28 grams per person per week. The other two regions reported a similar pattern— 25 grams of animal protein were consumed, roughly half of the figure for protein originating from other sources.


  - North America:总量为98grams,其中只有1/3为animal protein

  - India:总量仅为51 grams;是一个animal protein占比超过一半的地区

  - 其余两个地区:相似规律(animal protein为25grams,大约是other protein的一半)

  【Body 2】

  With regard to calory intake, it is clear that people from North America consumed 3500 grams of calories a week, exceeding the ideal level by 500 grams. Latin America reported the second highest consumption in this item(2600 grams), and South Africa came next in the list(2000 grams). The lowest intake could be found in India, where 1500 grams of calories were consumed, only half of the recognised level.


  - North America,Latin America第二,South Africa第三

  - India,仅为ideal level的一半



